Thursday, December 30

goodbye 2010, part 1

2010 has been such an amazing year!

here's a little recap...

january: i celebrated the new year with a few of my friends, outside, howling at the moon. i went to a burlesque performance in detroit called wonderland, starring the lovely roxie dlite. i had little lunch and dinner dates with my friends. got a lot of modeling and senior portrait clients for my photography business.

february: i continued doing a ton of photography work with clients. celebrated valentines day with my darling steve (where i also asked him if he would like to be my boyfriend, again). i was able to celebrate my 21st birthday with my closest friends.

march: i reached the 50 follower mark on my blog...which lead to my first blog giveaway! i went on a lot of walks around my neighborhood. felt very inspired and creative. steve received his mfa acceptance letters in the mail. it became spring (one of my most favorite seasons)! also, more photoshoots...

april: i started the sunday spotlight feature on my blog. i bought two kites and flew them a at the park with steve. steve and i officially decided we were moving to chicago! we traveled on a train (for the first time) to chicago. i toured my school. steve read his poetry at columbia.

may: i picked flowers for my mom and made her a lunch for mothers day. photographed my second wedding. had a yard sale. my sister finished high school!

june: i had a picnic at the park. i changed my blog name from o me, o life to midnight black. my sister had her high school graduation. i joined a journal challenge. went to my sister's college orientation with her and my mom. it was summer! steve completed his undergrad study. i went tubing down the river with my friends. packed, packed, and packed. bye bye mount pleasant and back to my hometown for the summer.

i'll be back with part 2 tomorrow!


  1. certainly sounds like it has been a busy year for you girlie! I hope 2011 brings you everything you could have wished for <3 xx

  2. Sounds like a great year :) I adore the last 3 photos, so funny.
    Happy new year and take care. I hope that 2011 is as busy and wonderful as 2010 was.

  3. awww, the bedroom in your apartment is soooo cute!

  4. Looks like 2010 have been a good exciting year for you, hopefully 2011 will be the same :)
    and the wardrobe in your apartment looks adorable!
